Friendspool | BR⚡LN
Node Information
Node Pub Key: | 023e24602891c28a7872ea1ad5c1bb41abe4206ae1599bb981e3278a121e7895d6 |
First Seen: | 2025-02-04 10:00:04 |
Updated At: | 2025-02-04 10:03:10 |
Sockets: |,fmvh2654bp7fcoysr5qikkxsbheps4efpsi5cg2mj7csv5c5t4o3brad.onion:9735 |
City: | São Paulo |
Country: | Brazil |
Capacity: | 932,088,838 Sats |
Open Channels: | 104 |
Minimum Channel Size: | 5,000,000 Sats |
Telegram: | jvx1971 |
Twitter: | jvbarros |
Nostr: | npub1nwrrty92erpe8th9wv4u9l9f20pqqh872kwjmejc6mu9hfnzumfqk5fua4 |

⚡️Node Runners JOIN our BR⚡️LN Club
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🔃 L-BTC PeerSwap Enabled
⚡️ Beelink GTR 7 Pro 32mb - 2T NVMe Raid 1 |⚡️ Watch Towers |⚡️ Highly Managed / circuit-breaker / auto MaxHTLCs / constant HTLCs scan / outgoing disabled if 5% below capacity to prevent FCs | ⚡️ BOS open-balanced-channel requests welcome | ⚡️ Check out Life-saver tools for Node Runners
🎯 My goal is to collaborate with decentralization and the Lightning network. I am always looking for ways to keep my fees as low as possible to improve routing efficiency. Amboss 🫵 DON'T JUST RUN YOUR NODE. RULE IT!
Lightning Address