Tiger 🐯 | BR⚡️LN
Node Information
Node Pub Key: | 038607b58550d272ce8a058b77bc7a00e099687531359074bb600477f6bb7d1764 |
First Seen: | 2023-05-19 13:53:11 |
Updated At: | 2024-10-09 16:10:31 |
Sockets: |,hqarvdhotescuw3s3qzezwa4e76vatvunw44oivldzl33adi2axkmiad.onion:9735 |
City: | North Bergen |
Country: | United States |
Capacity: | 222,109,767 Sats |
Open Channels: | 30 |
Minimum Channel Size: | 5,000,000 Sats |
Telegram: | https://t.me/JucaBala |
Nostr: | npub15egwjkwqs2xv9tt6554h5shn5l98h54gvzyddevlyc953s30nqgq5g6jwy |
Fee management, hybrid mode: Clearnet and Tor, UPS, Fiber, LND, Liquid PeerSwap.
Join the Tiger 🐯 | BR⚡️LN node! - Nostr NIP-05 tigernode@nostr.lnvoltz.com ⚡️Brazilian Node Runners JOIN our BR⚡️LN Club